Cut back to Shamrock: "Tito Ortiz is going to find out who Ken Shamrock is, was, and is now." The "is now" in that sentence wasn't really a redundancy. Shamrock was employing a new tense—the ultimate tense—to describe how he was about to be bringing it, how it was about to have been brung.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Modern science is amazing.
Homo habilis was likely more vegetarian and Homo erectus ate some meat, he said. Like chimps and apes, "they'd just avoid each other, they don't feel comfortable in each other's company," he said.
"You can tell from this tooth fragment right here--Homo habilis liked to sip Chardonnay by the fire, while Homo erectus was more likely to be downing Sam Adams out in the yard. Not very compatible, you know?"